Sunday, October 28, 2007
Immigration is growing and will continue to do so whether we think it's harmful or beneficial. Cultures around American will be blended and jobs will get completed no matter if by native hand or foreign. It's up to citizens to decide how to deal with the increasing number of immigrants because it doesn't seem to be slowing.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
look at how much i've grown!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
class links

The first one can be found at:
This is mostly done on the argument that the drug needs to be made into prescription medicine so that it can be used by people who need it. Its obvious that the use of this drug illegally will probably never cease but the author doesn't believe that it should be completely legalized. As said on the blog, lots of diseases could be helped by the uses or the treatments of marijuana to these illnesses. The author does an excellent job of describing each disease that could be treated by marijuana and what kind of effects would occur.
The second one is at:
This author, unlike the first, believes strongly that marijuana should be legalized. They do agree, however, that it should definitely be legalized for the medical aspect of it. This person does an outstanding job on showing the effects of marijuana compared to the effects of tobacco. In my opinion this blog can make anyone into a believer!!
The next blog has nothing to do with marijuana but it did catch my eye. It can be found at:
It is believed by the author that drinking at a younger age would prevent further complications when older because we would have learned what we needed to do by then. Drinking does cause problems with the liver but it is helpful (in small amounts) to other problems like Alzheimer's. He believes that the age doesn't really matter in the issue of accidents because we all are subject to getting behind the wheel for an accident. This blog, along with the others, make really good points in defending the topic at hand. They deserve to be visited because they are unbiased but they show many different views that should be put into consideration.
Theory on Immigration
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Links Posts (10)
(This one involves the helpful and harmful effects immigrants have on the working industry)
These links display the history of immigration. They are insightful because they tell of the struggles of immigrants. They helped me because I didn't see what hardships people in Mexico, Latin America, and other places had to go through before they decided to try harder in life. Here they are:
(My blogs are mostly about immigrants from Mexico and this website is well-rounded including the history of all immigrants like Germans and Italians.)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

the price we're paying for a better life for noncitizens
This is a very helpful website in depicting which areas citizens taxes payers' dollars are going. It doesn't include educational needs of their children that are being paid for by citizens. These immigrants aren't required to pay taxes and it just doesn't seem fair when they are seen in the most expensive cars, nicest houses and newest technology. Immigrants don't have to pay because for the certain time given here are to help them get on their feet. But shouldn't the times of residency here be better monitored because it is obvious that that aren't leaving on time? Should they be required to pay taxes because of the threat of them not leaving when time's up?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Reasons as to why America is overpopulated
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
America once welcomed immigrants with such statements on the Statue of Liberty as, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to be free..." Not until the 1800s did this become a problem. States issued laws against immigration and thus prompted the Supreme Court to take action. The Immigration Act of 1891 was passed and it regulated the admissions of immigrants into the US. Ellis Island was the main place to be admitted into the United States and these immigrants were mainly Germans, Irish and Greek. Nearly 12 million people landed here in Ellis Island with hopes of a better life during the time period of 1892 and 1954. Not until 1918 were passports required and all they needed was a person to vouch for them. Later around 1949 there was immediate action was taken upon immigrants, mostly Mexicans, in the Operation Wetback. This plan was constructed under the leadership of the commissioner of the Immigration and Nationalization Service, Joseph Swing. 40 percent of American population's ancestry can be tracked back to immigration done through Ellis island. El Paso, Texas was considered the Mexican Ellis Island. Most Mexican immigrations occurred in 1900, when the Mexican Revolution was taking place and US economy was striving. Immigration increased three-fold during 1910 through 1930. Immigration of Mexico and Latin America have not stopped but rather increased rapidly since then. During the time they first came they were discriminated against and stereotyped and the same can be said about today. Currently there are 21,162,009 immigrants that occupy the US. They reside in large places like California, New York, Texas and Florida.
Many critics believe that illegal immigrants take American jobs, threaten national security, and change the culture of America by refusing to assimilate. Jobs will continue to be an issue with opposers of immigration. This jobs are usually low-paying jobs that are considered "beneath" the standards of the average American. These can be anything from housekeepers/nannies to janitors to gardeners. It's argued that Americans would work these jobs no matter how low scale they are. Some immigrants don't try to blend in with the cultures of America. Extra precautions have to be taken to communicate, provide health care services, among other things for immigrants. Gradually most states are making English their official language because of such problems with immigrants who refuse to assimilate. Illegal immigration has also created violent gangs in America. This brings to attention the fraudulent identification papers that can be used by terrorists. Some say that the increase of immigrants leads to the threat of domestic terrorism. However this is believed to be a small threat. These disadvantages keep some Americans from agreeing with immigration whether illegal or legal.
Many people believe there are advantages to immigration. According to Jeffrey Passel, a former demographer for U.S. Census Bureau, about 96 percent of the 4.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States at the time were working. Jobs for immigrants can be considered in themselves a two-sided argument. Employers hire illegal immigrants because of the low pay, the length of time they can work, and the extra effort used to train others. Then it is believed that no matter what Americans are not going to lower themselves to jobs such as what they are employed. It can be said that immigrants are assimilating and have a great influence on the nation's culture for example salsa is now more popular than ketchup. They are becoming owners of suburban and middle-class homes, and more small businesses than whites and African Americans. They are helped in many ways by America including affirmative action for their kids to better educate them.(
Legal action has been taken to deal with the excessive amount of immigrants annually coming to America. The RealID restricts the distribution of licenses to undocumented immigrants or temporary workers. In California, Proposition 187 was approved. It stated that undocumented immigrants were not allowed the privilege of schools, health clinics, and social service agencies. It also required that any state official to report anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant. Custom Service and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) have the impossible task of providing surveillance for the border. It includes policing the 7500 mile long border between US and Canada, 11 million trucks, 2.2 million railcars that come into US every year, and 7500 foreign flag ships. In August the Homeland Security decided to tighten up the security in the upcoming years. The border will have better surveillance by the addition of things such as agents, fencing, and cameras. There will be a "Catch and Return" policy that ensures that illegals will be returned if caught. Employers of immigrants who know they are illegal will be punished as is the immigrants caught. All of this changes shall occur in the near future to assist in keeping numbers down to an appropriate level.
Usually I don’t give in to stereotypes, white men can’t dunk or blonds have more fun, but in the case against illegal immigrants I let my feelings come in the way of reason and compassion. Immigrants come from Mexico or Latin America looking for a better life for their family and themselves. It can be argued that the jobs they are working would be performed by American citizens but they are in much more need of these jobs than we are. It does bother me that they are not required to pay taxes while citizens are paying for things that are benefiting them also. I think everyone should be allowed to get back on their feet so they can provide for their family but there should be a time allotted for them to do it in. Immigration should be controlled in more efficient ways that will better help them to live a prosperous life.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
US is the new Mexico!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Illegal Immigration!! still not agreeing with it!!
This does help us in many cases but am I in favor of this? I would have to say still have to say no despite all the beneficial roles they play. In my opinion the disadvantageous overpower the advantages for the increase of immigrants. Taxes we(as in citizens) have to pay for the education of their children is a substantial amount. The low wages that they acquire causes the wages to be brought down to a lower level for all citizens. This low wages also cause the more immigrants to be in poverty.
This among other reasons cause me to not support immigration!!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
disadvantages of illegal immigration

It has always been thought that whatever work that Americans don't want to do, Hispanics were the next option. In some cases that would be deemed the truth, with Hispanics taking lower paying jobs. Now these people have the jobs that US citizens could be having. They are taking a free ride on our expense because they don't pay taxes, we're educating their kids and they take the money they make to send to family left back home.
On August 10, 2007 reforms to improve the border security were announced. This is a three step solution to terminating our immigration problem. It starts with the addition of mechanisms to guarantee the prevention of immigration by way of the border. At the end of next year, there will be an increase in border patrol agents, miles of fencing, vehicle barriers, camera radar towers, and uvas. To further help with the immigration problem, local and state enforcement has been trained exclusively. This is another part of the plan entitled interior work and it does what the federal level can't do on its own. Worksite enforcement is to make sure that no illegal immigrants get employment here in the US. If these immigrants do get jobs, they will eventually be punished and if the employer knew that they were illegal, the employer will also.
Legal immigrants or citizens have every right to be here. They've paid their dues to live in this great "melting pot" nation. We all are paying the price for an extreme increase in population numbers. There needs to be better security and issues should be enforced to make this a place that is more suitable for "paying customers."